About Us

Our Place Camelon and Tamfourhill is a project built on the legacy of 5 years of work that took place in the area with the support of the Big Lottery Fund (now the National Lottery Community Fund), to ensure that the foundations laid over those years are not wasted.

3 years of funding (2020-2023) has been awarded to the Kemlin Kin project to support the community to continue to grow and to build on the key themes identified through the initial project. The aim, that is now in action, was to engage two development workers to lead two separate but linked workstreams, one around capacity-building to ensure that community groups in Camelon and Tamfourhill continue to flourish past the end of the Our Place programme, and one around the theme of Community Safety, which has been repeatedly highlighted as a local priority.

These two workers have now commenced in post with John Hosie taking on the role of Community Safety Engager and Dan Rous becoming the Community Coach.  They are employed and managed by Tamfourhill Tenants and Residents Organisation and the organisation will work closely with a  steering group made up of local people and organisations to enhance community empowerment and ensure local people have a voice within the local area.

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